Super Smash Bros. was, far and away, one of the most inventive additions to the beat-'em-up / fighting genre and it's no surprise to anyone that it's finally arriving on the Nintendo Switch.

The official announcement teaser arrived online late last night and featured two of the Inklings from Splatoon battling it out - before they were promptly confronted with the infamous Super Smash Bros. logo and what looks like a whole host of characters in front of it. No release date has been confirmed, but it's likely that it'll land at some stage hopefully before the end of the year - if not sooner.

As for who'll be in the game, details were light, but Nintendo's press statement confirmed obvious choices like Link, Mario and of course the Inklings from Splatoon. From the video below, we also clocked Bowser, Samus Aran from Metroid, and a few others.

How many do you see? Let us know in the comments!