Back in the day, many an hour was spent jumping through the levels of Super Mario games, collecting mushrooms and coins and ultimately trying to save Princess Toadstool/Peach from that awful Bowzer fella. All with the help of your trustee bro Luigi and of course Yoshi.

There have been multiple incarnations of Super Mario over the years but there is much anticipation for this latest version - Super Mario Odyssey (queue 'ohhh' and *gasp*).

The Nintendo Switch game, made by Japanese video game designer Yoshiaki Koizumi, features an open level design and expansive environments such as the skyline of the New York-inspired New Donk City.

There's a new character as well, called Cappy, which is, eh, Mario's hat.

Go with us here.

'Cappy' is pretty useful, and can be thrown, help him fly and be used to embody enemies - it's basically the best mother truckin' cap a video game character could hope for.

Watch him try it out in the trailer for the game below:

Impressive wha'? Bet you want your own Cappy now, don't you? Ah you do.

Super Mario Odyssey is released on October 27th, 2017.