The Sky Is The Limit as Three connects families across Ireland with a live interactive story time event.

‘Grandad’ from Three’s recent Monster Hunter TV ad, is hosting and narrating an interactive Zoom story time event. Grandad’s story, entitled ‘The Sky Is The Limit’ tells the story of a group of boys & girls who find that their everyday world has been disrupted by some strange events and characters. But by using their imagination, they realise that the sky really is the limit to how they can overcome the obstacles and return to a new kind of normal.

‘Grandad’ is calling on all the boys & girls of Ireland, from ages 4 – 10 years old, to join him for this live story event. Tickets are free but places are limited. Each ticket registered will also be entered into a draw for an opportunity to win a new Samsung Galaxy S20 handset and more prizes. Apply for a free space here or head over to @ThreeIreland, on Instagram or Facebook for more information.