The Gallery of Photography is presenting the Irish premiere of new work by  Danish photographer Jens Olof Lasthein. This acclaimed colour work brings the viewer on a visual journey along Europe's eastern borders. It presents a fascinating view of life in little-known regions ranging from Arkhangelsk on the White Sea in the north, to Odessa on the Black Sea, in the south. This intense, beautiful and moving project is the result of nearly 20 years work, with most of the images taken over the six years 2001-2007. Lasthein uses a panoramic camera, normally associated with pure landscape photography, but his interest is clearly in the people, and the world of human experience that he encounters. His pictures teem with life - each lucid moment he captures succeeds in bringing together paradoxical forces: the images have the intimate, homely spontaneity of a family album, while at the same time they evoke also the broader context, the sweeping changes and uneasy transitions currently transforming the lives of the people of these areas.