The Temple Bar Company is proud to present the city of Dublin premier of ‘The Bloomsday Story’ by Robert Gogan - a lighthearted journey through James Joyce's ‘Ulysses’, its characters and music - in the historic venue of St. Werburgh’s Church, Werburgh Street, Dublin.
Guaranteed to be entertaining, informative and highly amusing!
‘There's not one serious line in it’ James Joyce once commented about ‘Ulysses’, and ‘The Bloomsday’ Story proves it!
We invite you to join us for a bar room brawl, toilet visitations, an act of seduction, naughty things on a beach, a birth (almost), a funeral, adultery, a drunken orgy, brothel escapades .......... and a sprinkling of wonderful Joycean music!
The cast, Anne Tyrrell, Paul Kennedy and Robert Gogan take you on a whistlestop tour through the 732 pages, almost 270,000 words and over 200 characters of ‘Ulysses’. It's non-stop and great fun!

Duration: 100 minutes plus 15 minute interval.