The Lir Presents...

Collapsing Horse Theatre Company’s production of

Written by Eoghan Quinn
Music Composed by Daniel Forde
Directed by Dan Colley

The Lir Academy is delighted to announce the much-anticipated revival of Collapsing Horse Theatre Company’s sleeper hit MONSTER/CLOCK. Best described as a musical puppet comedy, MONSTER/CLOCK tells the story of Toby, a castigated monster and apprentice watchmaker, whose world is blown apart by a raid on his workshop and is forced to flee the safety of his desk into the vast fantasy world that awaits him. But are there more hands at work than Toby suspected, and might he be a mere cog in the grand nefarious machinations of his mysterious assailant. Through puppetry, music and heaps of comedy, MONSTER/CLOCK explores self-discovery and the passage of time, leaving us to wonder if it’s truly on our hero’s side.

'Monster/Clock is a stand-alone triumph, and as a company's first show, nothing short of astounding. 5 Stars.'

'This production is wise beyond its years. Brisk, smart and immersive, Monster/Clock could travel as far as the adventures that lie within it.' Irish Times

'Excellently, suspensefully crafted, stuffed with dry wit, and performed with unflagging exuberance.....Invention abounds' Irish Independent

MONSTER/CLOCK is a show that will delight children (7+) and adults of all ages. This revival of MONSTER/CLOCK is presented in the context of The Lir Academy’s new Professional Diploma in Stage Management and Technical Theatre.