Draíocht’s Community Clown Choir, Hallelujah! take on the story of Christmas and all that that entails. The birth of the baby Jesus, Santa Claus, USA biscuits, Bailey’s Irish Cream, the turkey, the ham, the stuffin’, horrible Auntie Eileen and her nasty habit of rinsing her false teeth in Lidl’s finest Chardonnay, gross Uncle Maurice and his penchant for squeezing the girls too tight, the sparkly lights, the plastic reindeer, the unwanted presents, the balding tree, the stress, the drink, the expense, the pressure, the joy. Hallelujah!’s Nativity will be one part celebration to two parts desecration – just like your average Christmas. An hilarious warts and all look at the high point of the familial year. Featuring choral song and a chaos of clowns this hour long show will make you laugh, wince and cry. Look out for the elephant.

Hallelujah! was developed as part of Veronica Coburn’s Residency in Draíocht 2012/2013, funded by Fingal County Council and The Arts Council.