Friday the 23rd is Free Art Friday, a day in which artwork is placed on the street for any member of the public to pick up and take home. Or, if you are an artist, you can donate some of your works to an unknown collector by doing just this. Free Art Friday is a worldwide movement which aims to make art collecting, long the pastime of those with sizeable disposable incomes, more user-friendly and available to everyone no matter the size of their wallet. This movement takes place all over the world and is becoming something of a phenomenon. There are no rules, except for making sure your artwork is easily removable and doesn't represent any danger to the environment. Some use canvas, others cardboard - the only limitation is the boundaries of your imagination. For the artist this represents an opportunity to create work free from the constraints of commerce and to present your thoughts and ideas to a broad and ranging audience of passers-by. Let's just hope it doesn't rain!