Well, that's a headline we never expected to write - but here we are.

David Hasselhoff, star of Baywatch, Knight Rider, Hoff The Record, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Baywatch Nights (look it up, it's brilliant), Sharknado (obviously), The Young And The Restless (it's still going!) and Sons of Anarchy (one episode), was on with Ray D'Arcy last night and it went about as well as you'd expect.

In between plugging the Gumball 3000 Rally, which the Hoff is taking part in, and his show Hoff The Record, the guy managed to fit in a couple of bars of I'll Tell Me Ma AND a story about Jedward. Amazing. You wouldn't get that kind of material on Graham Norton, folks.

As well as this, Eurovision hopeful and ex-Westlifer Nicky Byrne was also on the couch and talked with the Hoff about fellow '80s throwback Erika Eleniak and her brief stint on Baywatch. As Hoff described it, she became addicted to "getting bigger", which is totally NOT a reference to her chest size at all.

Again, like we said, you just don't get this kind of stuff on Norton.

Via YouTube