Last night saw Drake appear as host on SNL and, needless to say, he did pretty good at it.

As well as taking part in Black Jeopardy and singing about how he's more than just a meme, Drake also dropped several new songs about hating on the cast of SNL.

Take a look.

To be honest, Josh Gad isn't that funny so why does Drake keep saying it? He really isn't. Did you see The Wedding Ringer? It was TURRIBLE.

Also, we didn't realise that the writing room for SNL is pretty much exactly the same as the writing room from 30 Rock.

Like, identical. We need to get some side-by-side images to compare them because they look eerily similar. Yes, we know 30 Rock was based on Tina Fey's time as head writer on SNL, but the level of detail is incredible.

Via YouTube