Featuring cake, dogs and even a lamb

It's almost time for Ireland's annual lovely girls competition as the 60th Rose of Tralee festival soon gets underway down in Kerry. Dáithí Ó Sé is of course on hosting duties once more for what will be his tenth year in a row and we have the photos to prove it.

Himself and the 32 Roses all gathered today at Castletown House, Kildare for the obligatory annual photo shoot today.

The running away from the girls shot has been replaced with cycling away. Very 2019.



Here comes the girls...


Jazz hands!


A lamb. Sure why not.





Cute kid (Roses are allowed be mammies these days, it's all very modren.)




A cake to celebrate the amount of Roses who will sing Caledonia.



Ó Sé. Dáithí Ó Sé.

The 32 Roses who make it to the TV broadcast will represent Ireland, Britain, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, mainland Europe and the Middle East.

Catch the Rose of Tralee on RTÉ One at 8pm on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th August.