"People ask me why do I go to all this trouble to offend people. It's no trouble."

Ricky Gervais joined Kylie Minogue and Elizabeth Banks on last night's 'Graham Norton', with Gervais naturally being quizzed about hosting the Golden Globes.

The upcoming Globes will be Gervais' fifth (not third, as we previously thought) time hosting them, and as he explained to Norton, he's basically got the thing down pat. "I know what I can get away with, I know what I can say," Gervais joked. "I've never libelled anyone, and I've never had a complaint upheld."

To be clear, Gervais went in hard the last time he hosted the Golden Globes, so it's fair to say that him not having a complaint upheld is pretty impressive.

As well as discussing the hosting of the Golden Globes, Gervais also talked with Elizabeth Banks about the first time they met, with Gervais doing the same thing everyone else does when someone says it was the first time they met - playing along because you've utterly forgotten it.

Banks, though, caught him out pretty quickly for playing and the whole thing went over as good as any joke did.

Take a look.