Joey really was such a dote

With the 'Friends' reunion special dropping this week, we're looking back at the hit sitcom and the six lead characters that made it iconic.

In our latest installment of the series, we're checking out some highlights of Joey Tribbiani, played by Matt LeBlanc.

While the Italian actor had numerous girlfriends across the series (and even more one night stands), perhaps the ultimate love story of the show was the bromance between him and Chandler.

Joey didn't really get a satisfying conclusion in 'Friends', as they were banking on his titular spin-off to provide that (that soo did not happen...).

Still there's good reason to deem the character the best of the 'Friends' run.

1. He was the most loyal of the guy Friends

There were definitely a few occasions when Chandler screws over Joey a bit (most notably with Cathy - and he kissed Joey's sister) and same with Ross, for example when they both worked in the museum. In fact, Ross and Chandler have betrayed each other a few times, such as when the former kissed the latter's mom. But horny as Joey has been over the course of the series he would never cross that line.

When he had feelings for Rachel, he told Ross before he told her, since their friendship was so important to him. PLUS Joey keeps the biggest secret of all - when Chandler and Monica are sleeping together. Yup, Joseph Tribbiani could very well be the best friend of 'Friends'.

2. He goes to great lengths for his girl Friends too

Joey and Phoebe share a unique and special bond throughout the series that probably derives from them being the outsiders of the group, and it's really sweet to see. When Phoebe says she'll dominate the world, they'll all be destroyed, other than Joey. He repays her in kind, breaking up with her sister Ursula when the relationship bothers Phoebe, giving up meat so she can eat it during her pregnancy cravings (and anyone who knows Joey's love of food knows how massive a deal that is), and giving her the perfect kiss for her 30th.

Joey shows great care and tenderness towards Rachel when they live together and looks out for her her during her pregnancy too. The episode where he helps Monica at work by getting hired and then fired to empower her is also very sweet. And let's not forget the fact that he ordains both Phoebe, and Monica and Chandler's weddings. Nawwww.

3. For all its silliness, the stupid things Joey does can be a lot of fun

Examples here span across the entire series of 'Friends', one of the earlier ones being him not knowing how they measure pants ("IN PRISON!"). There have been a couple of gas Thanksgiving incidents too, like when he got his head stuck inside of a turkey, and got his head stuck in Monica and Chandler's door.

While the later seasons of 'Friends' saw them over exaggerate his level of stupidity, it loaned to some great comedy, most notably when the character learns French.

4. Joey doesn't share food

Joey is a complete and utter hypocrite when it comes to food (which is highly relatable). He'll happily eat off the plates of those around him, but refuse to share his own food.

His feasting abilities far surpass his acting ones, as episodes have shown him eating an entire turkey, as well as all his friends' meals in one sitting, as well as his own. His crowning accomplishment? Well it has to be finishing Rachel's triffle.

5. Joey's acting storylines provide some big laughs

We're just going to riff off a bit here because there are so many funny storylines relating to Joey Tribbiani's burgeoning career as an actor.

There was when he landed a gig playing Al Pacino's butt; when he used Chalton Heston's shower because he was stinking up a set; the Freudian play; those STD ads; that student he sabotaged when teaching acting class; his stint as Dr Drake Ramoray on 'Days of Our Lives'; getting rehired on the drama and replacing Susan Sarandon's character (a great guest appearance); "smell the fart" acting; attempting to teach an intricate dance choreography after lying on his resumé; the Vegas gig that turned out to be nothing; when he gets a job on 'Law and Order', asking his grandmother to come over to watch the episode, but his part is cut which leads to some video improv; having to shoot a war movie opposite a drunk Gary Oldman; and of course, that Japanese lipstick commercial ("Wow, he really is a chameleon").

Do you think Joey Tribbiani is the best character on 'Friends'? Or who's your favourite? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

Check out the other installments of our 'Friends' series.