Pastry Week proved particularly challenging for one contestant

Last week they took Michael, and this week another fan favourite got the chop (slice?) from the increasingly brutal 'Great British Bake Off'.

We're getting down to the nitty-gritty of the series now, where there's no room for error and Paul and Prue are a lot less forgiving of any feck-ups.

But still... Henry? Nooooo!

With the series being filmed over the summer and during the heatwave, it proved extra challenging for the contestants during the quarter-final - but the shirt-and-tie-wearing 20-year-old had a fairly disastrous pastry week as his Moroccan Pie literally crumbled. His showstopper was equally bad, with Paul particularly unimpressed with his dry pies.

It now means that the semi-finalists are Steph, Alice, David and Rosie. And let's be honest, at this stage it'd be a miracle if Steph didn't win.

Here's how people reacted to Henry's departure...