The new season kicks off with Alec Baldwin's Trump calling everyone to sort out his impeachment - including Ray Donovan, from that show, 'Ray Donovan'.

'SNL' is back for its 45th season and, by the looks of things, Alec Baldwin is going to be getting more mileage out of that wig and costume for the forseeable future.

The cold open focused on Trump calling just about everyone he can - Rudy Giuliani, played by Kate McKinnon, Attorney General William Barr played by Aidy Bryant, Kanye West and Don King played by Chris Redd and Kenan Thompson, and even Liev Schreieber is in there as... Ray Donovan, but not really.

Seeing as how Trump's impeachment is all anyone's talking about on the late-night shows, it makes that 'SNL' made a cold open about it - but, really, you can tell a lot of the jokes on this are clapped out. They'd better hope for something to actually happen this time, seeing as how they got Robert DeNiro to play Robert Mueller and that turned out to go nowhere.

Interestingly, it was only a few months ago that Baldwin publicly said that he was done playing Trump. Not only that, he wasn't quiet in the past about how much he disliked playing Trump either. On top of that, Donald Trump himself actually threatened 'SNL' and Alec Baldwin for their sketches.

Wonder what he'll make of the new season. Here's the sketch.