In Jürgen we trust

Biscuit week has come and gone, and, rather disappointly, there wasn't as many cookies' crumbling under the pressure as we'd have hoped.

'Bake Off' week two was all about biscuits, with the 11 bakers set three new challenges; brandy snaps, jam sandwich biscuits (jammy dodgers), and a showstopper that was to be a toy from each baker's past with an interactive element.

Traditionally, biscuit week in the tent sees bakers really struggle as they battle the heat outside while their masterpieces crumble in their hands. This year, however, it was only Amanda and her rocking horse that fell to bits, with everyone else pretty much nailing the task at hand.

There was a fresh casualty, and this week it was Jairzeno. Unfortunately, the 51-year-old originally from Trinidad failed to impress Prue Leith and Paul Hollywood with his biscuity ship, and he was unlucky enough to have to walk the plank, joining last week's first to leave, Tom.

The biggest excitement on the night came from the reveal of who would be star baker. German baker Jürgen won for a second week in a row, making some sort of 'Bake Off' history we are sure of it. And yes, this time his family answered his phone call afterwards.

All in all, it was a wholesome episode of 'GBBO'. We're hoping the drama rises up dramatically next week for bread week, because so far the series has failed to deliver on many memorable moments.

Here's what viewers were saying on Twitter about 'Bake Off' week two.

A special shout-out to Lizzie for this little gem of a moment.

Stay tuned for week three of 'Bake Off' next Tuesday night on Channel 4, where the remaining contestants will be tackling bread week.