Noel could officiate their wedding and Paul could bake the cake, and, and, and...

Whether you were happy or not about the winner of last night's 'Great British Bake Off' final, there may be at least one reason to be cheerful, now that the series has ended.

Over the course of the series, both Michael and Henry proved extremely popular with viewers; the former for his gregarious 'sure, let's give it a go' attitude, and the latter for his adorable shirt-and-tie-wearing sweetness.

The closing montage on last night's final showed us what the contestants have been up to since filming ended, and it seemed like Michael shoehorned himself into practically every photo.

However, he may also have shoehorned himself into Henry's heart, if photos on social media are anything to go by.

Now, it may just be friendly banter or harmless flirting, but everyone seems to agree: wouldn't they make an adorable couple?