This was the most eventful episode of the series

There was a lot to unpack in episode six, in a week that was stuffed full of pastry and innuendo.

The 'Great British Bake Off' episode six proved to be one of the most enjoyable of the season, as the baking series begins to get ready for the final - which is just a mere three weeks away.

Pastry week saw the seven remaining contestants create a batch of filled and glazed chouxnuts, Paul's laminated baklava for the technical challenge, before creating an intrically-designed terrine pie. Surprisingly, it was only the final showstopper of the episode where everything began to crumble.

It was Amanda who sadly fell at the last hurdle, as her terrine pie didn't have enough time to cool down before she had to remove it from the tin, which saw the structure begin to fall apart. Also in danger last night was George, who got away by the skin of his teeth with his soggy-bottomed tart.

As one baker leaves, another gets crowned Star Baker, and this week it was Crystelle's turn - and she even got a surprise handshake from Paul Holywood for her curry-flavoured showstopper.

However, the biggest happenings of the night came from both of the judges. First, it was Prue Leith who dropped her "squirt" comment, making everyone in her vicinity try to stifle their giggles.

While Paul Hollywood later dropped this clanger about Gieseppe's meaty pie.

Here's how viewers reacted to 'Bake Off' episode six.

'Bake Off' continues next week, where the six remaining contestants will battle it out in the quarter-final. Caramel week will air on Channel 4 at 8 pm, or you can catch the episode on catch up via the All 4 app.