It is November 2nd. THIS IS TOO EARLY.

Let's be clear on this from the start - we love Christmas.

We get time off, we get to overindulge in food, movies, TV, all the good things in life. We get to spend time with friends and family, and we get presents. What's not to like? But in saying that, Christmas begins in December.

It does not, repeat, DOES NOT, begin in November. This is ridiculous carry-on by Aldi, and frankly, they ought to be ashamed of themselves. Christmas begins in December, Aldi. Bad supermarket chain.

Anyway, the first Christmas advert - really, this is so ridiculous - sees Kevin The Carrot behind the stick of a fighter jet ala Maverick from 'Top Gun' as he darts through mountains to chase after Santa Claus. Again, some issues here. Evidently this was made way back in the summer when it was likely that 'Top Gun: Maverick' would be released around about now.

Secondly, today's date is November 2nd. Santa is nowhere near at a stage where he's going to be delivering toys, never mind taking the reindeer out for a jaunt. So this advertisement is really just flagrantly incorrect.

Nevertheless, here it is. A reminder, once again, that it is November.