"Call my lawyer!"

If there's one thing that's certain in the most recent Marvel efforts, it's that the Studios are not afraid to take risks.

The latest superhero to make it to our screens is Bruce Banner's cousin, and as we can see from the new 'She-Hulk: Attorney at Law' trailer below, it's going to be Marvel's first comedy series.

Tatiana Maslany from 'Orphan Black' fame will debut as Jen Walters AKA She-Hulk in the nine-episode series that will begin on Disney+ next week. And just in case you thought this was another straight-up Marvel action series - think again.

The trailer opens with a tongue-in-cheek 'Law & Order' gag that instantly gives us a clue as to what we can expect from the series going forward. Throughout the clips, we catch glimpses of Benedict Wong's Wong making an appearance, as well as Tim Roth's Abomination, Jameela Jamil's new social media villain Titania and what looks like some other fun and mysterious characters we're about to meet. Mark Ruffalo will also reprise his role as Hulk, as we've seen from previous campaigns.

Here's the new 'She-Hulk: Attorney at Law' trailer, which features some of the cast and crew including Maslany, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige and series co-director Kat Coiro.

Judging from the trailer, it looks like Jen/She-Hulk will be joined by a surprising amount of Marvel characters. In a brief moment during one of the most recent trailers, fans caught a glimpse of Charlie Cox's Daredevil making his eagerly anticipated on-screen return.

Look out for entertainment.ie's spoiler-free review of the first four episodes of the series, which will be published next week.

The latest string of Marvel releases on Dinsey+ has seen the Studios take risks when it comes to branching out of their action comfort zone. 'Ms. Marvel' recently brought the first Muslin superhero to life, while 'Moon Knight' delved into the psychological side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Episode one of 'She-Hulk: Attorney at Law' begins on Disney+ on Thursday, August 18. The nine-episode series will conclude on October 13.