Get ready for some more real (estate) drama

If you're simultaneously missing the melodramatics between the realtors of the rich and famous while also feeling sick of the same old story lines (hate Christine? that's boring), the Oppenheim Group has got you covered.

The season five finale aired on the 6th of May sans the show's super villain Christine Quinn. So we've gone a few months without any sunsets being sold to us. That is, until now.

Netflix have just dropped the trailer for the Los Angeles show's Orange County counterpart 'Selling the OC' complete with fresh new faces (aside from Brett and Jason, soz), a fresh new bell, and fresh new properties on the sunny, sandy shores of California.

Comparison is the thief of joy but it's easy to compare the two "top dogs" from each brokerage whose catty remarks seem to drain the happiness wherever they go; Gio is to the OC Opphenheim office what Christine is to her respective office in L.A, if the trailer is to be believed.

Gio already has a sparring partner for potential arguments that may arise — the broker in the trailer that claims "Gio likes to think he's the best, but I'm definitely competitive when it comes to my business".

Shit stirring is already evident and marketable in the OC when in one breath there's a face-off on the beach between the brokers and in the next, one woman claims "the girls spread rumors about me that [I] sleep with developers to get such large listings". Another divulges "Kayla is coming on to a co-worker, a married man".

Honestly... this group of real estate agents seem like they'll rival and potentially top the drama of the original show. The trailer finishes with an agent saying "we're in the OC, is this real life?" and we couldn't think of a more apt questions after watching the video.

Watch the trailer for Netflix's 'Selling the OC' here. The show is airing on the 24th of August.