Plenty to watch on Netflix for your nights in

Cinemas are opening in Ireland very soon so movie lovers will be able to check out films on the big screen this June as well as on smaller screens.

With regards to Netflix, the streaming service is making sure that for your nights in this June, there's plenty on offer.

There will be critically acclaimed classics as well as all-new original movies coming to the platform.

Here's a rundown of what to expect.

And here are our picks for the best movies coming to Netflix in the coming weeks, and when you can expect them.

The Blair Witch Project - 1 June

Clear and Present Danger - 1 June

Morvern Callar - 1 June

The Untouchables - 1 June

Yesterday - 4 June

Awake - 9 June

Captain Phillips - 10 June

Wish Dragon - 11 June

Skater Girl - 11 June

Boys N The Hood - 15 June

The Karate Kid - 15 June

Fatherhood - 18 June

The Dead Don't Die - 18 June

Aquaman - 20 June

Good on Paper - 23 June

The Angry Birds Movie 2 - 25 June

America: The Motion Picture - 30 June

Check out more for what's coming new to Netflix below.