Emma Thompson is the new Miranda Priestly

Another trailer has arrived for the movie that will explore the origins of one of Disney's great antagonists - Cruella De Vil.

Titled 'Cruella', the live-action drama is headed to Disney+ and cinemas (where they're open) next month.

Its first trailer dropped a few weeks ago.

Emma Stone is stepping into the villainess's shoes.

But it's Emma Thompson who has really made an impression on us in this latest preview.

'Cruella' will see her play the Baroness von Hellman, a legend in fashion, who takes Estella (Stone) under her wing.

From the looks of the trailer, their relationship definitely recalls that between Miranda Priestly (played so fabulously by Meryl Streep) and Andy (Anne Hathaway) in 'The Devil Wears Prada'.

It opens with Thompson saying "Let me give you some advice. You can't care about anyone else. Everyone else is an obstacle. If you care what an obstacle wants or feels, you're dead. If I'd cared about anyone or thing, I might have died.

"You have the talent. Whether you have the killer instinct is the big question."

That's sooo Miranda Priestly.

Not that it's something to complain about. 'The Devil Wears Prada' is great, so why not take inspiration?

The 1970s backdrop to 'Cruella' should also prove interesting, as well as its interpretation of what turned the titular character bad.

Here's the trailer.

'Cruella' has a release date of May 28th.