Trailer shmailer

There's nothing new to say about the Kardashians, really. We've heard all arguments for and against them at this stage. But is there anything new to even watch about them? It doesn't seem like it.

Yesterday, the trailer dropped for 'The Kardashians' season two on Hulu and honestly? We were a little surprised that the season will air so quickly, set to release in September of this year.

If the trailer is anything to go by, we can expect the same rigmarole from last season. Without the curiosity surrounding the newness of the show coupled with an alternative platform, we can't say we'll be as keen to watch the upcoming season.

Based on the trailer, it'll be a rinse-repeat of basically everything we've ever got from the show. Expect micro details of events we've witnessed unfold in the press over the last few months.

It seems like we'll witness the Khloé and Tristan cheating scandal fallout, Kourtney and Travis' marriage(s), and probably more "we're just like you" behavior from Pete and Kim about how much Pete loves when Kim wears toe socks or never lets her get on a bicycle without elbow pads or something, just through a camera lens rather than a headline.

We don't know about you, but a show that recycles old news stories with new quotes and conversations just isn't that interesting and we wonder about the lifespan of that kind of format. Especially since at the rate they're spinning out seasons already, we'll have a new one every 5 months.

The Kardashians Season 2 premieres September 22 on Hulu, Disney+.