The Gallagher brothers' feud has just escalated

We'd be happy enough if they stuck to the odd funny insult in interviews or on Twitter - but it seems that the Gallagher brothers' feud has escalated over the past day.

If you've been following closely, you'll know that there is no love lost between Liam and his sister-in-law, Sara MacDonald.

The latest tiff has stemmed from comments made by Noel's wife on her private Instagram page, concerning Liam's Glastonbury performance. Having complimented Stormzy's performance, someone asked her if she was planning to catch Liam's set, to which she replied: "Think I'm going to swerve that. The fat twat doing his tribute act, balancing a tambourine on his head is going to look pretty dated after Stormzy."

Of course, Liam caught wind of the comment and texted Noel's daughter Anais with a screengrab of it, saying "Tell your step mam to be very careful."

How do we know all of this? Because Noel shared it - as well as his response - on Twitter.

"... so you're sending threatening messages via my teenage daughter now, are you?" he wrote, before going on to reference a tabloid photograph from last year which showed Liam appearing to grab his partner Debbie Gwyther by the neck (which both later denied, FYI).

He continued: "You were always good at intimidating women, though, eh?  What you planning on doing anyway? Grabbing my wife by the throat to show her who's boss... or maybe waddling through our double gates and performing 'Shitwave' in the communal garden or daubing your wank lyrics on the toilet walls?"

He goes on to refer to Liam as 'Big Tits' and rather confusingly, signs off with 'Catch up soon.'

Liam has since responded, apologising for dragging his mum and niece into the fray.

Stay tuned for the next installment, because of course we haven't heard the end of this...