The singer made the disparaging comments in a radio interview

When you've been around as long as Elton John has, you have as right to share your opinion on the current state of the music scene.

And the legendary singer and songwriter is not too impressed, judging by his latest comments.

In an interview with BBC Radio 6 Music, he praised acts like Father John Misty and Conan Gray, as they are songwriters who write complete songs from start to finish. In the same interview, however, he denounced the art of co-writing - a strategy adopted by many contemporary pop artists that sees multiple writers on one track.

"Everybody else, there’s four or five writers on (a track)," he said. "You look at most of the records in the charts — they’re not real songs. They’re bits and pieces and it’s nice to hear someone write a proper song.”

He added that he thought a sophistication had been lost from modern pop music. "I like people who write songs," he continued. "And there’s plenty of people that do, but a lot of them don’t get played on the radio because they’re too sophisticated and we get songs made by a computer all the time and I’m not interested in that,”

What do you reckon - does he have a point?