If asked, Werner Herzog would probably lay down his life for Baby Yoda. And so would we.

If you thought that Werner Herzog's proclamation of love for Baby Yoda was just something he was doing on the press tour for 'The Mandalorian', guess again.

If anything, the famed German auteur was instantly taken by the even more fun-sized version of Yoda that he even thought it was real. As Deborah Chow, director of the third episode of 'The Mandalorian', explained to Vanity Fair, "I was directing Werner with the puppet, and Werner had just fallen in love with the baby. Werner, I think, had forgotten it wasn’t actually a live creature, and started sort of… directing the baby."

Amazing. It doesn't end there, however. In that same Vanity Fair article on Baby Yoda, another revelation came to light - namely, that they intended to shoot a CGI version in case the one that ended up on screen looked to fake. As Vanity Fair's source tells it, the producers intended to shoot a blank slate and put a CGI version in, all of which Herzog responded to with utter contempt.

"You are cowards," Herzog declared. "Leave it."

Cowards. Just incredible. Now, just imagine that in his icy, almost vaguely threatening voice and you just know how much weight it carries.

Better yet, listen to this week's edition of The Filum Show on Spotify or Apple Podcasts to hear a poor imitation of Werner Herzog's voice saying just this. Disney+ launches in Ireland on March 31st, 2020.