Don’t hold your breathe on this one.

The much talked about third installment of the Sex and the City movie franchise appears to be further away than ever after Sarah Jessica Parker addressed the rumours on a red carpet this week.

Parker was appearing at the New York Women in Film & Television Muse Awards (NYWIFT) when she said that another SATC movie was "not something we are talking about right now". When pressed for more, she replied “I just don’t have a clue."

There were recent reports that the third movie would involve the death of Carrie Bradshaw’s love Mr Big, but this was denied by actor Chris Noth.

How another Sex and the City movie would even work, or who would be involved is unclear. Parker and co-star Kim Cattrall had a massive falling out recently. It remains to be seen whether they could work together.

The NYWIFT event celebrates the role of women in the film and television industry. Parker was being honoured for her contribution throughout her career.

“I usually loathe to accept acknowledgments. I tend to send gratitudes and regrets, but this is really a wonderful organization. I have been privileged to have worked in this industry for many, many years. So I found the courage to be here today,” she said.

Via: Variety