"I could never understand what she said"

Helena Bonham Carter is earning high praise for portraying Princess Margaret in the third season of 'The Crown'. But of course she's renowned for various other roles.

Helena was on Stephen Colbert's 'Late Show' last night to promote the Netflix series. The talk show host invited her to "spill the tea" and reveal all about her co-stars of the past.

Regarding her 'The King's Speech' colleague Colin Firth, she said: "Love dearly; talks too much."

"No tear duct like her" was how she described Olivia Colman.

Of Brad Pitt, she said "there's no tea to spill" as he's an "absolute gentleman."

But of her fellow 'Ocean's 8' actress Rihanna, she had some very amusing comments altogether. She told Colbert: "She’s amazing, she’s a goddess. She looks extraordinary. I could never understand what she said though. We speak totally different languages.

"But I love her, and she’s amazing to look at — really good actress too, and then she’s a great designer."

Here's a reminder of Rihanna's role.

You can watch the full "Spill the tea" segment here.

Let's not forget Helena Bonham Carter was putting on a very crude Irish accent for her role in 'Ocean's 8'. So, you know, like she can talk.