Return of the prawns

It's been revealed by star of 'District 9' Sharlto Copley that a long-awaited sequel to the 2009 sci-fi film is still in development.

The film starred Copley as Wikus van de Merwe, a mild-mannered bureaucrat of the MNU Department of Alien Affairs. It centres around the arrival of aliens in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, where they are forced into slums.

The film was director Neill Blomkamp's first feature and in the 13 years since its release, rumours of a sequel have continuously circled.

Chatting on BroBible's Post Cred Podcast Copley said, "Yeah, man, we’ve been working. I did a draft, I sent it back to him. He’s done a draft. It’s like just tiring to find the right sort of story," said Copley.

"There were some things going on socio-politically that [Blomkamp] felt maybe timing-wise he didn’t want to go immediately. So maybe in like a year, year-and-a-half [we’ll begin filming]. He wants to have something to say,"

Last year, Blomkamp himself confirmed that the sequel was on the way. In a tweet, the South African director said, "District 10 screenplay also being written by [Sharlto Copley, Terri Tatchell] and I. Its coming..."

After the success of 'District 9', Blomkamp went on to direct a number of big-budget sci-fi films including 'Chappie' and 'Elysium'. However, none have reached the heights of his excellent first feature. A return to Johannesburg could spark back to life what was once a very promising career.

It was announced earlier this year that Blomkamp is also entering the gaming industry, helming a new battle royale game called 'Off The Grid'.

'District 10' doesn't have a release date yet, but we'll keep you up to date for any more news over on our website.