We've got 10 Colin Farrell movie gifs - see if you know them all

We're testing your knowledge of gifs - and your knowledge of Colin Farrell movies - in our latest quiz.

Our local legend turns 45 today and there isn't a doubt that Colin Farrell's career trajectory has proven fascinating to watch.

First starring in the series 'Ballykissangel', his career in Hollywood took off with 'Tigerland', directed by Joel Schumacher.

He worked with the director again in 'Phone Booth'. Over his career he's played such icons as Alexander the Great and Captain John Smith.

Colin Farrell's movies have included 'Intermission', 'Minority Report' and 'Miami Vice' while he's also done great on TV including a gas cameo on 'Scrubs' and leading season 2 of 'True Detective'.

He has loads of more credits aside from that.

Moreover he'll next play the Penguin aka Oswald Cobblepot in Robert Pattinson starrer 'The Batman'.

Here we present you with 10 Colin Farrell movie GIFs, all from different films of the actor's oeuvre, and you have to type in where they're from.

There's no multiple choice, since we wouldn't want to make it too easy.

Be mindful of your spelling and be as specific as possible with titles when typing.

Other than that, good luck and let us know how you do in the Facebook comments.

If you enjoyed this quiz, check out our Leonardo DiCaprio gif edition below.