At long last, Switch Online is getting SNES games.

Although it's early days yet and nothing's been officially announced, it looks like Nintendo Switch Online is beginning to upload SNES games to its library.

The news comes after a FCC filing patent for a Bluetooth SNES controller for the Switch was discovered on gaming forum Resetera. Going by the model letters and serial number on the back, the controller is assigned to the Nintendo Switch and follows months of rumours that the online service for the handheld console is adding games to its library.

Here's the FCC filing patent image.

Nintendo Switch SNES Controller

Already, the Nintendo Switch has NES games on its online service and has a NES controller to go along with it, so it makes sense that a SNES controller and games are to be added as well. Nintendo's always had a funny relationship with its back catalogue.

So far, only two of its consoles - the NES and the SNES - have gotten the "Classic Mini" treatment, with many people expecting the Nintendo 64 or even the Gamecube to receive the same. So far, that hasn't happened and the likelihood now is that it probably won't. However, given how cloud gaming is the coming thing, it might just be that retro gaming lives on in this format than in miniaturised consoles.

No official announcement has come from Nintendo as of yet, but expect some kind of confirmation in the coming days.