Directed by Conor Horgan (One Hundred Mornings, Deep End Dance, The Beholder) and produced by Blinder Films (The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology, Citadel, One Hundred Mornings), the documentary has been in production for the last four years and will continue right up until the proposed same-sex marriage referendum in 2015.
The film builds an in-depth picture of a complex and compelling character through behind-the-scenes footage, extensive archive material and interviews with friends, peers and protégés. It has also been born out of commitment to the Equal Rights movement in Ireland, and a longing to document the changes that are rapidly occurring.
This is where the public's assistance is needed. The team has done Trojan work over the last four years on a shoestring budget. To continue filming, funds are required for crews and equipment, music and archive licensing and all the post production work that will go into getting this documentary over the finish line.
The team have set up an Indie Go-Go page to appeal for the public's assistance. This website allows people to donate any amount, anonymously or not, to this fantastic cause. There are even perk packages available, depending on how much you donate. Ranging from film merchandise to exclusive screenings, these perks are a fantastic way to get involved in the documentary, even after you've donated.
The Queen of Ireland (Panti Bliss documentary)
search for anything!
e.g. The Wild Robot
or maybe 'Skeleton Crew'
The Day of the Jackal
Timothée Chalamet
search for anything!