Wearing a suit to work every day can get a bit boring and sometimes slightly uncomfortable, and for those days, the 'suitsy' is here to solve your problems.

The suitsy was crowdfunded (what a surprise) and is the brainchild of Jesse Herzog, who decided that the traditional suit was not worth the hassle it took to get into every morning. 

Pics via BetaBrand

It has plenty of nifty features like a hidden zipper, cuffs you can adjust to make it look legit, and fancy venting to prevent you from sweating up a storm in your high powered business meeting.

Pics via BetaBrand

Business Insider journalist Greg Ferenstein wore it around for a week, and it seems that no one noticed. People were genuinely amazed when he whipped out the zipper and showed off that indeed, this was no normal suit and you could live your life at ease underneath it, like the slob you are deep down inside.

The suitsy is currently on offer with 10% off, so you can get your hands on one for a mere $340.20 (€299.81). Think of it as being essentially what Superman would wear on the days that he's feeling pretty tired but still has to go into the office and figures that he can save a few milliseconds if he only has to undo a zipper instead of all those shirt buttons.

Main pic via BetaBrand