To call them one of the best boybands around may sound like damning with faint praise. But it's as good a description as any of Blue, the London quartet who've recently had the honour of becoming Elton John's new best friends. Maybe it's the fact that the lads themselves are grittier, laddier and sexier than their counterparts in Westlife, N Sync or any of that ilk. Or maybe it's their imaginitive choice of arrangements - after all, 'All Rise' must be one of the few hit singles in history to use the accordion as its lead instrument. Whatever the reason, the music they produce is the kind of chart pop you can listen to with an easy conscience, filled with infectious grooves and soulful harmonies. At 15 tracks, One Love is about a third too long - but it's still an entertaining, slickly-produced effort that deserves all its success.