Tree Fu Tom
'Tree Fu Tom' is an animated CBeebies action-adventure series following the exploits of a boy called Tom. He is able to create magic by doing sequences of movements known as Tree Fu. Using Tree Fu, Tom transforms into a superhero and travels to Treetopolis, an enchanted, miniature world nestled in an ancient tree at the bottom of his garden. Tom's friends in Treetopolis include his sidekick Twigs, inventor Zigzoo, miner Squirmtum and butterfly Ariela. It premiered on BBC Two in March 2012.
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Current Season: Series 5 (2016)
This season of Tree Fu Tom first aired on 08-02-2016.
This season of Tree Fu Tom first aired on 08-02-2016.
This season of Tree Fu Tom first aired on 08-02-2016.
This season of Tree Fu Tom first aired on 08-02-2016.
This season of Tree Fu Tom first aired on 08-02-2016.
This season of Tree Fu Tom first aired on 08-02-2016.