The Thin Blue Line
1995"The Thin Blue Line" is a sitcom set in a police station that stars Rowan Atkinson as mild-mannered Inspector Raymond Fowler, a traditionally minded officer who occasionally performs courageous acts in the line of duty. He is the complete opposite of CID detective Derek Grim (David Haig), who is forever complaining about his job and the incompetence of his officers Robert Kray (Kevin Allen) and Gary Boyle (Mark Addy). The main focus of the comedy is the conflict between Fowler's unit and Grim's team. Fowler is in a relationship with Sergeant Patricia Dawkins (Serena Evans) and he is in charge of constables Frank Gladstone (Rudolph Walker), Maggie Habib (Mina Anwar) and Kevin Goody (James Dreyfus). Written by Ben Elton, it premiered on BBC One in 1995 and ran for two series.
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First Season: Season 1 (1995)
This season of The Thin Blue Line first aired on 13-11-1995.
This season of The Thin Blue Line first aired on 13-11-1995.
This season of The Thin Blue Line first aired on 13-11-1995.