The Field of Blood


"The Field of Blood" is a two-part crime drama set in Glasgow adapted from the book of the same name by Denise Mina. It is set in 1982 and revolves around would-be investigative journalist Paddy Meehan (Jayd Johnson), a young copygirl in a newspaper office. She seizes an opportunity to kick-start her career when the city is shocked by the horrific murder of two-year-old Brian Wilcox. She gets the chance to secure her first scoop when her 10-year-old cousin is charged with the crime, but decides in the end to put her family first. Her glamorous colleague Heather (Alana Hood) has no such scruples and the story is soon splashed across the front pages. Defying her boss, Paddy examines the case to prove her cousin's innocence. The star-studded cast also includes Jonas Armstrong, Ford Kiernan, Peter Capaldi and David Morrissey. The first part premiered on BBC One in August 2011.

First Season: Series 1 (2011)

This season of The Field of Blood first aired on 08-05-2011.

Show All Seasons

This season of The Field of Blood first aired on 08-05-2011.

This season of The Field of Blood first aired on 08-05-2011.