The series follows a grey raccoon, Scraggs, who gets adopted by Mrs. Muchmore after thinking he is a cat named Taffy. Her main pet, a blue dobermann named Bentley, is determined to reveal Taffy's secret to Mrs. Muchmore that he really is a raccoon.
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Next on TV
Taffy: A Bentley Carol
16:34 -
Taffy: The Big Sneeze
19:35 -
Taffy: The Upgrade
13:07 -
Taffy: The Big Sneeze
13:07 -
Taffy: The Guard Dog
15:54 -
Taffy: The Cat's Pajamas
Fri 03 January
Sat 04 January
Sun 05 January
Mon 06 January
Tue 07 January
Current Season: Season 2 (2022)
This season of Taffy first aired on 01-01-2022.
This season of Taffy first aired on 01-01-2022.
This season of Taffy first aired on 01-01-2022.