Star Wars: Clone Wars

2003 Animation

This Emmy Award-winning series recounts the events and battles of the Galactic Republic’s last major war - the Clone Wars. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi leads an assault on the planet Muunilinst, home of the Intergalactic Banking Clan; his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, is appointed by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to lead the Republic’s space forces. Meanwhile, Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku takes in Force-sensitive gladiator Asajj Ventress as his Sith apprentice, and tasks her with eliminating Skywalker.

First Season: Season 1 (2003)

The first season consisted of 10 episodes, lasting three minutes each. Along with the second season, it was released on DVD as 'Volume One'.

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The first season consisted of 10 episodes, lasting three minutes each. Along with the second season, it was released on DVD as 'Volume One'.

The second season consisted of 10 episodes, lasting three minutes each. Along with the first season, it was released on DVD as 'Volume One'.

The third and final season consisted of five episodes, lasting 12 minutes each. These episodes were released on DVD as 'Volume Two'.