Sam & Cat
"Sam & Cat" is an American teen sitcom that has its roots in both "iCarly" and "Victorious". Sam Puckett (Jennette McCurdy) and Cat Valentine (Ariana Grande) meet when Sam witnesses Cat being thrown into a garbage truck. She rescues her, they become roommates and they set up an after-school babysitting service to make some money. It premiered on Nickelodeon in October 2013.
Next on TV
Sam & Cat: MadAboutShoe
00:50 -
Sam & Cat: YayDay
01:15 -
Sam & Cat: Lumpatious
00:45 -
Sam & Cat: MagicATM
01:15 -
Sam & Cat: BlueDogSoda
19:00 -
Sam & Cat: FresnoGirl
20:00 -
Sam & Cat: StuckInABox
20:31 -
Sam & Cat: KnockOut
Fri 24 January
Sat 25 January
Sun 26 January
First Season: Season 1 (2013)
This season of Sam & Cat first aired on 08-06-2013.