Renegade Nell


A supernaturally gifted young woman stumbles upon a diabolical plot against the Queen of England in a fantastical action adventure created by Sally Wainwright (Happy Valley). In the early 18th century, Nell Jackson (Louisa Harland) returns from war to her family in Tottenham, blessed with superpowers thanks to a sprite named Billy Blind (Nick Mohammed). She dares to stand up to Thomas Blancheford (Jake Dunn), bullying son of local landowner Lord Blancheford (Pip Torrens), and is subsequently framed for murder. Nell goes on the run with her sisters George (Florence Keen) and Roxy (Bo Bragason) and turns to highway robbery to make ends meet. Her fearsome reputation attracts the attention of Robert Hennessey, Earl of Poynton (Adrian Lester), who covets Nell's abilities for his shadowy plot against the Royal Family

Our Review

by Brian Lloyd
Star Rating:

'Renegade Nell' is a delightful throwback fantasy swashbuckler

After-school adventure shows of the '90s were a rare and fanciful breed, and it's only with the arrival of 'Renegade Nell' that we realise how much we've missed out on these types of shows.

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Current Season: Season 1 (2024)

This season of Renegade Nell first aired on 29-03-2024.