Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
2002 Drama | AnimationIn this era, mankind has developed into two subspecies: Naturals, who reside on Earth and Coordinators, genetically-enhanced humans capable of withstanding the rigors of space who inhabit orbital colonies. The story revolves around a young Coordinator Kira Yamato who becomes involved in the war between the two races after a neutral space colony is invaded by the Coordinators.
First Season: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (2002)

Cosmic Era 71. A year into the war between the Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty and the Earth Alliance, a team of elite ZAFT soldiers attack the neutral Orb Union's resource satellite Heliopolis, attempting to seize the Alliance's new G-Project mobile suits. Kira Yamato, a high school student who gets involved in the incident, coincidentally encounters his old friend Athrun Zala, and finds that his fellow Coordinators are now his enemies.

Cosmic Era 71. A year into the war between the Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty and the Earth Alliance, a team of elite ZAFT soldiers attack the neutral Orb Union's resource satellite Heliopolis, attempting to seize the Alliance's new G-Project mobile suits. Kira Yamato, a high school student who gets involved in the incident, coincidentally encounters his old friend Athrun Zala, and finds that his fellow Coordinators are now his enemies.

Cosmic Era 73. About a year has passed since an armistice signed between ZAFT and the Earth Alliance brought an end to the Bloody Valentine War. However, the hostilities between Coordinators and Naturals remain, including those of Shinn Asuka, a Coordinator who joined ZAFT after seeing his parents and sister killed right in front of him during the Alliance's invasion of Orb. Entrusted with one of ZAFT's brand-new mobile suits, the Impulse, Shinn must fight through an ever-escalating conflict, kicked off when an elite EA unit hijacks 3 of ZAFT's other new units, the Chaos, Gaia, and Abyss.