Dinosaur King


"Dinosaur King" is an animated series following the life of Max Taylor. Max is the son of palaeontologist Dr Spike Taylor and a fan of dinosaurs. With his friends Rex Owen and Zoe Drake, known as the D-Team, he finds a strange stone and an egg-shaped capsule containing a Triceratops card. Max discovers that this card can be turned into a real dinosaur, which he names Chomp, and that other dinosaurs are popping up around the country. They are being hunted down, however, by the Alpha Gang led by Dr Z, consisting of Ursula, Zander, Ed, Seth, Helga and Dr Z's grandchildren Laura and Rod. Dr Z hopes to make himself the Dinosaur King by collecting all the cards. Rex receives a Carnotaurus card named Ace and Zoe has a Parasaurolophus called Paris and with Max they fight the Alpha Gang in order to save the new breed of dinosaurs. Animation and CGI technology are used to bring the dinosaurs to life and the series features battles between the D-Team and Alpha Gang dinosaurs. D-Team has to travel the world, from Moscow to Loch Ness, to find activated dinosaurs and protect them. The second series sees D-Team and Alpha Gang join forces against the Spectoral Space Pirates, a vicious group led by Spectre plotting to steal the Cosmos Stones. It premiered in 2007.

First Season: Season 1 (2007)


This season of Dinosaur King first aired on 04-02-2007.

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This season of Dinosaur King first aired on 04-02-2007.


This season of Dinosaur King first aired on 04-02-2007.