Chicago Fire
2012American drama following the lives of firefighters and paramedics working at a Chicago Fire Department. The characters include Lieutenants Matthew Casey (Jesse Spencer) and Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney), leading paramedic Gabriela Dawson (Monica Raymund), paramedic Leslie Elizabeth Shay (Lauren German), Battalion Chief Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) and firefighters Peter Mills (Charlie Barnett) and Christopher Herrmann (David Eigenberg). "Chicago Fire" premiered on Sky Living on 2012.
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Chicago Fire: Trapped
00:00 -
Chicago Fire: Nemesis
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Chicago Fire: Red Flag
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This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
Season 3 begins with a bang.. with the marriage of the chief, the loss of a friend and the plans for a wedding of two of the members of the house.
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .
This season of Chicago Fire first aired on .