Blood Ties


"Blood Ties" is a Canadian supernatural crime drama in which former police officer-turned-private investigator Vicki Nelson (Christina Cox) teams up with her former partner, Det Mike Celluci (Dylan Neal), and 470-year-old vampire Henry Fitzroy (Kyle Schmid), who is based on the illegitimate son of Henry VIII. Together, they try to unravel the riddles surrounding a series of inexplicable crimes. Based on the Blood Books by Tanya Huff, it ran for two seasons. It premiered on Sky Living in 2007.

First Season: Season 1 (2007)

This season of Blood Ties first aired on 11-03-2007.

Show All Seasons

This season of Blood Ties first aired on 11-03-2007.

This season of Blood Ties first aired on 11-03-2007.