Kindig Customs
2014Reality show following Dave Kindig and his crew in his Salt Lake City, who build and restores classic cars to meet clients' exacting needs
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Current Season: Season 10 (2023)
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.
This season of Kindig Customs first aired on 03-10-2023.