Well, if you haven't watched the first episode of House of Cards yet, then just click out of this post straight away, if you have, then stay with me. Okay, now that the rest of them are gone, can we all just to say it together? Episode one - 'What, the, f*ck!!!!' Never in a million years could we have predicted this one, offing one of the leads at only the start of the second series? ANYTHING can happen now.

We knew Zoe Barnes was sailing a little too close to the wind with all her Russo investigations, but we never thought she would end up the way she did. Frank Underwood 'ey? Just when we thought we couldn't find a lead we loved to hate as much as Walter White, this fella comes along and totally takes us by surprise.

Frank is expertly played by Kevin Spacey of course, who can't really do much wrong in either cinema or TV world, well except for K-PAX, which we will just chalk down to a momentary lapse in judgement. However, it seems Frank Underwood will now go down with the likes of Kaiser Soze and Lester Burnham as one of his best roles.

Anyways, back to the episode that blew all our minds. So yeah, things were getting pretty risky for Zoe and the her scooby gang of Janine and Lucas, but throwing her in front of a train Frank, bit harsh no? And what will this mean for their investigation into Russo's death? It looks like Janine has ran for the hills, but something tells me Lucas won't be letting it all go so easy.

We have the gif...eeek. Sorry.

As shocking as Zoe's death was though, anyone who watched the British version of the show would have been expecting it, as her counterpart in this is thrown off a roof early on. Also, we really should have seen it coming when Frank rocked up in that Heisenburgesque type hat, that's a murder hat if we ever saw one.

Frank wasn't the only one with the evil shenanigans in this first episode though, Claire certainly had her moments. Who could forget that horrendous line she said to her pregnant ex-employee? Which was then followed by this gem:

By the end of it all, we were pretty much left wide-eyed and staring at Frank in aghast, almost begging him for some kind of explanation, and then he turns to us, and says ever so calmly: 'Did you think I'd forgotten you?'. He speaks! He went on to tell us not to mourn Zoe, and then 'justified' his actions to us in one simple line, which seems to sum up the show's entire mantra: 'Hunt or be Hunted'. Gahh!! Now home to watch the rest of it.

Watch our interviews with the cast of House of Cards here!

You can stream all of Season 2 of House of Cards now on Netflix.