We almost thought this might have been a bit of a wind-up for a while, Columbia have made their own Spanish-language version of Breaking Bad, with the lead character called Walter Blanco (lol). The show premiered on Sunday and is set to shorten the whole story of the five series' down to just three months. Well there was a lot of faffing around with that Walter White wasn't there?

It's called Metastasis and it's exactly how you would imagine it to be, down to the underwear clad Mr Blanco out in the desert with his cooking partner Jose (Spanish Jesse). We can only HOPE Jose yells out 'Sí bitch!' at every available opportunity.

There is of course Spanish Skylar (Ciela) and Spanish Hank too (Henry), and Walt Jr... sure look, the whole gang are there really. Just speaking Spanish, and in Columbia... with the odd bad wig.

There are plenty of clips of Sunday's episode going around, and no doubt plenty of you will find the full thing online, however we thought you might most appreciate the trailer below. You're welcome.

 P.S No offence Columbia, feel free to laugh at clips of Fair City to your hearts content.