Last night saw a pretty special guest on the Late Late Show, one that pretty much everyone Ireland knows and has known since she was three days old.

Aisling Conlan might not be a name that's immediately familiar, but Roddy Doyle's The Snapper definitely should be. In fact, we spoke to Aisling before about the whole experience. The young woman, who played the role of Georgina Curley when she was literally just born, was in the Late Late Show audience and had a quick chat with Tubridy.

For one thing, she's now 23 years of age and a member of the Irish Canoe Slalom Team, which is actually amazing because that stuff's super dangerous. Aisling chatted briefly about not having a clue about the film until she was slightly older than three days old and more than a few jokes about the role itself.

Apparently, one of the main reasons Aisling was chosen because of her dimples, which is actually sort of adorable. Not only that, she didn't even know anything about the film as a child as she grew up in the Middle East.

Mad stuff altogether. One thing's for certain, she looks nothing like Georgie Burgess. Or a turkey, for that matter.


Via YouTube